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Barra Honda National Park

Barra Honda Custom

 Barra Honda Park is located on the Nicoya Peninsula. In this more than 2000 hectare park, intersected by limestone cliffs, the more than 40 caves are the main attraction. This area rose from the sea 60 million years ago and the rain has since eroded the limestone, creating underground rivers and chambers. The stalactites and stalagmites are most spectacular in the deeper caves. Pozo Hediondo attracts hundreds of bats and pre-Columbian human bones have been found. Outside these caves is a very hot tropical dry forest, best viewed from the vantage point above the caves. Few animals live here. The park station can be reached via the road to the bridge La Amistad over the Tempisque river. 21 km east of Nicoya. There are signs. Two trails enter the park. Some caves are open to visitors. Only visit the caves with a guide. Bring a flashlight.